(Eesti) Trendikas tepitud jope kolme esitasku ja kahe sisetaskuga. Stiilsed detailid nagu Harvesti logo trukkidel ja jope siseküljel
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Women’s Athletic Windbreaker Printer Slalom
Printer Kendo Jacket Heavy
Hot sporty Softshell Jacket Grizzly Tulsa
Lightweight sporty unisex jacket Harvest Garland
Women’s winter jacket DAD Cordillo Lady
Wind and waterproof jacket DAD Explore
Sporty jacket fleecevoodriga DAD Devonport
Resistant to the wind jacket Grizzly Nebraska
Women’s Softshell Jacket DAD Pilberra Lady
Unisex Windbreaker Printer Fencing
Lightweight sporty jacket DAD Stirling
Harvest sport coat Coventry